Meet Amir, a visionary whose love for wooden arts was ignited during his childhood. NFT artist


Hello, dear readers,

We are thrilled to introduce you to an extraordinary artist whose journey is as unique and captivating as the art they create. Meet Amir, a visionary whose love for wooden arts was ignited during his childhood. From the earliest days, Amir found himself drawn to the world of wood, imagining everything around him taking on the intricate beauty of this timeless medium.

Amir's story takes a fascinating turn as he dives into the realm of artificial intelligence. With this newfound technological marvel, he recognized an unprecedented opportunity to transform his childhood dreams into reality. Thus began his remarkable odyssey of crafting an array of objects and creatures, all adorned with the distinctive touch of wood cut aesthetics.

What sets Amir apart is not only his skillful rendition of famous figures spanning the globe – be it revered actors, beloved singers, influential politicians, or cherished characters – but also his boundless passion for perfecting his craft day by day. His dedication shines through not just in the intricacy of his wooden creations, but in his commitment to a greater cause. A portion of Amir's earnings from his artistry is dedicated to tree-planting initiatives, reflecting his deep-rooted connection to both art and nature.

Delving into the diverse tapestry of global cultures, Amir's artistic explorations are a testament to his thorough research and understanding of different societies. He tailors his wooden masterpieces to cater to the unique tastes and preferences of each region, breathing life into his creations that resonate with people's hearts worldwide. Whether it's authentically capturing Dragon Ball characters for the Japanese audience or fulfilling bespoke requests for friends, such as a wood cut rendition of Donald Trump or a wooden Barbie, Amir's artistic range knows no bounds.

Amir's journey is a heartening reminder that pursuing one's childhood passion can lead to remarkable and impactful accomplishments. With each stroke of his artistic chisel, he not only carves wood but also carves a niche for himself in the world of NFT art. We invite you to explore Amir's mesmerizing gallery, where wooden artistry and digital innovation intertwine harmoniously.

Connect with Amir and witness his creative evolution through the following links:







Embark on this artistic journey with Amir, where the warmth of wood meets the boundless possibilities of the digital canvas. Your appreciation and support will undoubtedly contribute to the growth of an artist who has turned childhood imaginings into a vibrant reality.

With admiration,


Introducing NFTM$: The Canvas for NFT Artistry 

Hey NFT Artists and Collectors,
Looking for a crypto that's tailored to support your craft? Enter NFTM$, the currency designed with YOU in mind. Crafted to (1.) It supports NFT artists, (2.) facilitates high value NFT orders and (3.) embrace future speculative trades.
What sets NFTM$ apart? It's backed by stunning NFT creations, stored securely in the NFT Museum vault, making it a unique fusion of art and value. Think of it as a Meme coin with artistic flair. Join the NFTM$ movement and redefine the future of art and finance!

 The official information page for the NFTM$ (NFTMuseum$) cryptocurrency:

 The collection of the NFT Museum:
