Introducing Natalia Presztolanszky: A Fusion of Traditional and NFT Art

 **Introducing Natalia Presztolanszky: A Fusion of Traditional and NFT Art**
Greetings, I'm Imre Bárándi Jr., an NFT artist, painter, and tattoo artist, and today, I'm excited to introduce you to a talented Hungarian artist, Natalia Presztolanszky.

**Discovering NFT Art**
Natalia's journey into the world of NFT art wasn't deliberate; it was serendipitous. It all began when some strangers on Instagram took an interest in her paintings, leading her into the intriguing realm of non-fungible tokens, or NFTs.

**A Versatile Artistic Style**
Natalia's artistic style has evolved over the years. She initially focused on creating realistic portraits, but her path eventually led her to fluid art and the acrylic pouring technique. This transition breathed new life into her work, embracing abstraction and contemporary art.

**Inspirations and Themes**
Natalia's art serves various purposes. It's not just about aesthetics; it's therapeutic. Her paintings are a form of enjoyment painting with a healing effect. They exude passion and dynamism, yet their outcome is never entirely predictable, as the laws of physics and chemistry play a significant role in their creation.

**Traditional to Digital: Navigating the Transition**
Moving from traditional art to NFTs is a journey Natalia is still exploring. With her background in photography, she's learning to digitize her physical artwork effectively.

**Techniques and Tools**
Her creative process involves using liquid acrylic paint mixed with various additives. The petal technique, inspired by Australian origins, plays a central role. It involves creating mesmerizing patterns by introducing bubbles between paint layers, manipulating them with tools like spinners.

**Sharing on Various Platforms**
While Natalia is a newcomer to the NFT scene, her artwork has already garnered attention on traditional social media platforms. She believes that tangible and digital art can coexist harmoniously, bridging the gap between generations.

**The Future of NFT Art**
Natalia views the future of NFT art with optimism. Adapting to this evolving landscape is key to its success.

**Challenges in the NFT World**
However, she's also encountered challenges, including scams. She emphasizes the importance of reliable trading platforms and proper promotion to succeed in the NFT space.

**Nurturing the Hungarian NFT Community**
Natalia's journey into the NFT community in Hungary began through Facebook. Networking and community building are crucial aspects of her NFT experience.

**Success and Recognition**
Although Natalia is just starting her NFT journey, she aspires to gain recognition and make a mark in this innovative space.

**Supporting Natalia's Work**
If you're interested in following and supporting Natalia's work, you can find her on Instagram, where she's gradually expanding her digital presence.

**Advice for Aspiring NFT Artists**
Natalia encourages young artists to embrace boldness and experimentation. She believes that the younger generation's familiarity with digital art can inspire and teach valuable lessons to artists from older generations.

In conclusion, Natalia Presztolanszky's journey into the world of NFT art is an exciting fusion of traditional techniques and digital innovation. Her art not only captures aesthetics but also offers therapeutic value. As she navigates the challenges and opportunities in the NFT space, Natalia's work is a testament to the endless possibilities that art can explore in the digital age.



I am Natalia Presztolanszky, a painter and NFT artist.

1. How did you discover NFT art, and what inspired you to get involved in this field?
- Honestly, I never actively sought it; it found me. Some people became interested in a few of my paintings that I uploaded to Instagram. They were complete strangers, and it's common knowledge that one needs to be cautious with them.

2. How would you describe your own artistic style or trend?
- In the past, I used to paint entirely realistic images, mostly portraits. So yes, I paint. It's still there, but it's a completely different world now. It's fluid art, acrylic pouring technique, which fits perfectly into a kind of abstract, contemporary art.

3. What are the main themes or sources of inspiration behind your artwork?
- This is a branch of painting, a form of enjoyment painting. It could also be described as having a healing effect. It's used for therapeutic purposes as well. If someone looks at them, they might say that the paintings are quite passionate and dynamic. The end result can never be precisely predicted because physics and chemistry play a significant role in the creation of the painting.

4. How does the process differ from traditional art creation to transitioning to NFTs?
- I have to experience this for myself. Since I used to do a lot of photography, I can only digitize the physical image in this form.

5. What techniques and tools do you use to create your artworks?
- Fortunately, I have the conditions to create calmly and separately, but sometimes I feel like these 12 square meters are not enough. Therefore, I can't really create large, spectacular paintings; I prefer smaller ones. I mainly use liquid acrylic paint, which I mix with various additives. These are often readily available. But if we deal with it ourselves, that might be the best. This trend has several variations. I use the so-called petal technique. During this, we create bubbles between the layers of paint with diluents, special silicone, and blowing techniques. Then we further disperse it with a spinner or by moving it back and forth. Spectacular network systems can be formed on the surface.

6. On which platforms or markets do you share your NFT artworks?
- Since this thing is very new to me, and I still have a lot to learn about it, sharing has only happened on traditional social media platforms. Many people noticed these pictures here. Personally, I'm not a conservative type, and I'm not afraid of anything new. Many are accustomed to traditional arts, especially when we think of the latest generation. They have digitalized almost everything, and things move through networks. In my opinion, tangible art can be very well combined with digital art. Although, it must be said that it's hard to replace a beautiful piece of art on the wall. But who knows? Maybe by then, there will be interactive digitalized room walls?

7. What's your view on the future of NFT art and its impact on the artistic community?
- This remains to be seen; I don't consider it negative. We must keep up with the times.

8. What challenges do you face in the process of creating and selling NFTs?
- Unfortunately, I've already encountered a scam... So, I consider it essential to know exactly how such a trade works. Trading must always be reliable, and it should generally happen on an accepted trading platform. There are many scammers, and they can exploit artists in the most cunning ways, taking their money and NFTs... Proper promotion matters, networking. It's no small task.

9. How did you encounter the NFT community in Hungary, and how important do you feel it is?
- It meant a lot that we got to know each other through the FB platform. A dear colleague told me about it, who attended a festival and heard a fantastic and interesting presentation there that she really liked. She knew what I was doing, albeit at a hobby level, so she immediately thought of me. She shared the information with me, and I've been in the current Hungarian community ever since.

10. What are your biggest successes or recognitions in the field of NFT art?
- I've just started, so I can't say much about it. I'm trying to think positively. For now, it would be great to gain recognition, but there are, of course, financial aspects to this that people try to exploit.

11. How can interested parties and collectors follow and support your work?
- For now, I'm available on Instagram, and there's still very, very little content... But I'm trying to upload my pictures to trading platforms.

12. What message or advice do you have for young artists considering a career in NFT art?
I love bold things, but I feel that I still need more experience. It seems to me that today's young people are much more skilled and experienced in this. I think the slightly older generation should learn from them.

My paintings are paintings.
They were not created on a computer.
They are tangible and can provide a different experience when someone meets them in person.
But their digital representation can give them a different meaning. They can be shaped and molded just the same.
The flower-blossom technique, which essentially started in Australia, has been a strong inspiration. It's amazing what magical images can be created with it. It has fascinated me completely.
Sometimes it's very challenging to do this because much depends on the consistency and composition of the paint, and even different types of pigments react differently to other paints. Specifically, the relational harmony and dissonance manifest at the chemical level. Here, it becomes clear that the paint has a soul, and it can only truly come to life in skillful hands.
This is what enchanted me...
I'm attaching some pictures from my past and present so that you can see how much it can change one person's life.

1. Painting: Cuban Father with Daughter (Memory of Havana)

2. Morten Harket

3. M. Jackson"


 More than 10 NFT artists will participate in our joint online exhibition. Come too, Saturday, September 30, 2023, 6:00 p.m
Thank you to the Artist for the article!
 With friendship, jr. Imre Bárándi

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